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Vienna Calling





In VIENNA CALLING the German film director Philipp Jedicke embarks upon a journey into the sub-cultural heart of the Austrian capital, where the musical pulse beats in time to artists like Bilderbuch, EsRap, Wanda and Voodoo Jürgens. He discovers a world of affectionate venom and typical Viennese charm, full of eccentric stories and harsh contrasts. Accompanied by glittering artists and earthy freaks, the Kraut soon comes to realize that the city is even more unpredictable and mysterious than its laidback, hyped undertone would suggest.


Directed by Philipp Jedicke

Camera Max Berner

Dramaturgy Monika Willi

Edit Max Berner, Carina Mergens

with Voodoo Jürgens, Nino from Vienna, Stefanie Sargnagel, Kerosin95, EsRAP, Gutlauninger, Lydia Haider


Supported by

Film und Medienstiftung NRW, BKM, Österreichisches Filminstitut, Filmfonds Wien, ORF Film Fernsehabkommen, Filmstandort Austria, DFFF, Bayrischer Rundfunk, Arte



Arne Birkenstock, Merle Rueffer, Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu, Bady Minck



fruitmarket, AMOUR FOU Vienna



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